Asia Tour – Cristmas in Singapore

This is somewhat of a summery of the events up to the 24th rather than a day to day account, although it makes no real difference to the story. The main point of this trip to Singapore was to spend Christmas here, and as a part of that, to spend time with some very special friends. Firstly, a big special thanks to Henry and and everyone who came out for KTV from WFT – that was quite an awesome night out, sorry I was so tired by the end of the night, but it really was a fantastic night, although I didn’t know the words to the Cantonese songs, that really didn’t seem to matter, and we all had an amazing night out.Aside from the KTV, I spent a few night with my friends at Cosafe, and the lead up to Christmas was no less special there either.

As apart of the Christmas build up I made several trips out to Orchard Road to do a spot of Christmas Shopping, it is worth mentioning that the lights and festivities at Orchard Road have to be the greatest I have ever seen, they are in a class of their own and out do London everytime – in fact do not even compare to the entire UK, they make the UK look like a non-Christian country. I take no shame to say that the my first visit to the festivities, I was greeted by no less than 20 carol singers preparing for the main event on Christmas eve, and the sound of these performers combined with the decorations along the street really made it hard to fight back a tear. Something I have never experienced in the UK, it was truly an emotional performance and an amazing site to behold.

One thought on “Asia Tour – Cristmas in Singapore

  1. Looks and sounds as if everyone put their hearts in to making Christmas really special – as it should be.

    Their celebrations and decorations put us all to shame here in UK.

    So pleased you had a wonderful and truly memorable time there.

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