Welcome To Singapore…

Well its now been exactly one week since I arrived here, and its good to be back, and yes, finally I’m here and not going anywhere for a while. I’m currently living in a budget hotel not far from the city, and although there’s nothing wrong with it, I really want to get a flat sorted out ASAP, for one I need my anime and also I cant be fully settled until the move is finally out of the way.

That said, I’m enjoying just having time for a change – for once there’s no rush – yes sure I need to get some things done quickly still for the move, but life isn’t feeling like a rush for once, just taking some time to hang out with friends and just to sit in a few favourite restaurants and bars and while away a few hours, I haven’t been this chilled for a very long time, and I could really get used to this, although it may not last once I’m back to work, but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it, for now I’m officially on holiday, and for once it actually feels like it.

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