Moving Day

Finally today marked the day I moved into my new apartment in TanJong Pagar, and finally can get some peace. After I unpack my shipment that is. And sort out some food for the kitchen. And get the inventory done. And arrange an internet connection…

Things For Sale… Blog-Bay

I have the following Network / Computer related things for sale:

3x IBM Netfinity Servers.
Petnium III, 500-500MHz, various amounts of RAM, maybe a HD in some.

Cisco Catalyst 2900 24 Port 10/100 Switch.
1 port is broken, but all the others are good. 1U, rack mount, with brackets.

Cisco Catalyst 2900 12 Port 10/100 Switch.
All ports fully working, only 1 owner. 1U rack mount with brackets.

Cisco 2501 Router
1 AUI Ethernet, 2x Ciso serial. 1U.

Cisco 2502 Router
1 Token Ring port, 2x Cisco serial. 1U

Cisco 2610 Router.
1 Large modular bay, 2 WIC slots, 1x RJ45 Ethernet (10MBps), rack kit.

Cisco 3620 Router.
4 Large modular bays, rack mount kit.

There are also several Serial WIC-1T cards, and some larger modules with WIC slots, Ethernet, Token Ring and Fast Ethernet slots. (NB the Fast Ethernet module only works on the 36xx series).

If interested, make contact by registering as a user and just post a comment asking for contact.
I will then email you back using the email address you used to register on the blog with.
Its easier that way and means less spam, obviously dont post anything in the comment other than “contact me me about <item>”, no putting your email address in the comment.

Alternativly, click on my Ebay link on the “Blogroll” and click contact seller from within Ebay.
Due to size of these items UK buys are prefered, however if your willing to pay the shipping I’ll post it to anywhere.


Just to make things slightly more interesting I have made some changes to the side bars and changed the theme… but as I couldn’t decide which was best, I kept both of them. Thanks to Domain-Mirror By Dave McAleavy, you can now choose which way you want to browse. – With Modmat Theme. – With Dark Water.

In the future, I might even randomise it further with some DNS tricks… but for now its static 🙂

Thank You, Friend…

Today was a very sad day for me, one of my most dear friends is moving back to Japan. Although the distance will not end our friendship and we will keep in contact, the physical proximity meant only a simple matter of a phone call to arrange something, whether it was a group outing to a new restaurant or some after work drinks. But a permanent move to the other side of the world makes that a bit harder, and only then does it become apparent how much I will miss my friend and the times that were shared.

This same week also sees the departure of 2 more of my most dear friends, this time to Singapore, they are some of the warmest and kindest people I know and they will be greatly missed. This also means the end of an era of sorts for the lads night out, as the treo will be loosing a member, touring London’s night life wont ever be the same for the 2 of us left behind.

As this month comes to an end it brings the departure of 3 of my most dear friends, 2 to Singapore and 1 to Japan, and going back further takes the total to 4 since the end of 07, therefore it is not surprising then that I’m starting to feel like I’ve been left behind.

For all of you I of course wish nothing but the best, but selfishly, how I wish I was going with you, and in hindsight, how I wish I had made more of the time we had.

Life is a journey, it matters not the destination, but the course, may your journeys be good.