More Photos Soon…

Not had much time to upload photos recently and now there’s quite a backlog forming, here’s a list of the items still to be added in the intended order…

Devon in Winter – Day 3
The lost day – the final photos which were forgotten and were not previously posted, quite a lot of these so will be split over several posts again.

Spring Montage
A collection of photos taken in early spring of this year, a little late now but still worth showing.

Planned upcoming <-Back Posts:

Singapore 2007
Photos of Singapore taken in March 07. This will be the first “<-Back Post” of an event which happened BTB (Before The Blog).

London & The Eye
A set of photos taken some time ago in central London and around the Thames including the London Eye, also BTB.

London Photo Tour
A test of the Cameras – with a friend we take his new Sony SLR to London for an exercise in experimentation and comparison, firstly against a Sony K8001 Cybershot Camera phone and second against a Nikon D50 SLR. We completed our initial test with the two Sony’s on the 22nd June and we’re now waiting for the right conditions to take to the streets again with both SLRs. Photos, review and the results on the way…

Devon in Winter 2008: Day 2 Cont. – Back To Teignmouth

March 11th 2008 Continued…

Following the coastal path back into the town we stopped to take a few shots of the bridge over the line just before the entrance to the Station. This is the scene from a painting entitled Castle on the Coast by David Weston (more info here) which I have a print of.

Bridge over the line, station beyondBridge over the line, station beyond - portraitThrough the arch to the station

Then we headed for the station to take our train back to Dawlish.

Teignmouth StationTeignmouth Station

These are 2 unrelated pictures, both point in opposite directions down the platform from the same point, however now they are together, it makes a nice effect with the thumbnails.

Thank You, Friend…

Today was a very sad day for me, one of my most dear friends is moving back to Japan. Although the distance will not end our friendship and we will keep in contact, the physical proximity meant only a simple matter of a phone call to arrange something, whether it was a group outing to a new restaurant or some after work drinks. But a permanent move to the other side of the world makes that a bit harder, and only then does it become apparent how much I will miss my friend and the times that were shared.

This same week also sees the departure of 2 more of my most dear friends, this time to Singapore, they are some of the warmest and kindest people I know and they will be greatly missed. This also means the end of an era of sorts for the lads night out, as the treo will be loosing a member, touring London’s night life wont ever be the same for the 2 of us left behind.

As this month comes to an end it brings the departure of 3 of my most dear friends, 2 to Singapore and 1 to Japan, and going back further takes the total to 4 since the end of 07, therefore it is not surprising then that I’m starting to feel like I’ve been left behind.

For all of you I of course wish nothing but the best, but selfishly, how I wish I was going with you, and in hindsight, how I wish I had made more of the time we had.

Life is a journey, it matters not the destination, but the course, may your journeys be good.